Reply to Parliament Questions
Sl.No Date Subject Reply to Parliament Query
1. 03.12.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred / Un-starred Diary No. S1790 for answer on 09.12.2021 View Reply
2. 03.12.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred / Un-starred Diary No. S1797 for answer on 09.12.2021 View Reply
3. 03.12.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred / Un-starred Diary No. 6294 for answer on 13.12.2021 View Reply
4. 30.07.2021 Lok Sabha Starred question no. 7906 for 09.08.2021 regarding setting up of Cultural Museum in North Bengal View Reply
5. 29.07.2021 Lok Sabha Starred question no. 7930 for 09.08.2021 regarding New Science Museums View Reply
6. 29.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred question no. U-2671 for 10.08.2021 regarding Development of Science Cities View Reply
7. 29.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred question no. S-3975 for 10.08.2021 regarding setting up of Science Centres in the country View Reply
8. 29.07.2021 Lok Sabha Starred question no. 2153 for 02.08.2021 regarding Development Projects in Tribal Areas View Reply
9. 28.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Admitted question no. 2493 for 02.08.2021 regarding ‘Dignified livelihood for folk artists amid Covid-19’ View Reply
10. 14.07.2021 Lok Sabha question No. 499 for 19.07.2021 regarding Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artists View Reply
11. 14.07.2021 Lok Sabha question No. 2538 for 26.07.2021 regarding Memorials on Veer Savarkar View Reply
12. 14.07.2021 Lok Sabha question No. 264 for 19.07.2021 regarding Online of Museum
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13. 15.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Admitted question no. 186 for 20.07.2021 regarding promotion and
preservation of Indian Culture
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14. 15.07.2021 Lok Sabha Starred Diary no.2479 for 26.07.2021 regarding setting up of New
Science Museums
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15. 15.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred/Un-starred question no. U711 for 23.07.2021 regarding
Mission Antyodaya in rural health infrastructure
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16. 15.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Starred/Un-starred question no. S265 for 19.07.2021 regarding
Reduction in Carbon emission
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17. 19.07.2021 Rajya Sabha Question Diary no. 1710 for 09.03.2018 ‘Laws made to nullify decisions of Supreme Court raised by Shri Javed Khan, MP’ View Reply
18. 15.09.2021 Un-Starred Question Diary No. 4340 for 19.09.2020 regarding ‘Sankalp Parva’ View Reply
19. 09.09.2020 Rajya Sabha Question Diary no. 1227 for 28.11.2019 ‘High expenses on Government litigation’ View Reply
20. 09.09.2020 Lok Sabha Question Diary No. 73 for 14.09.2020 regarding Programme to
Preserve Heritage and Culture
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21. 09.09.2020 Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question no. 156 for 03.02.2020 regarding awareness
among youth on Culture & Heritage
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22. 09.09.2020 Lok Sabha Question Diary No. 584 for 14.09.2020 regarding setting up of
Sub-Regional Science Centre at Rajamundry
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