12 Jan,2021
Remembering Prof S M Chitre - Stalwart of the Indian Astronomy

Yesterday, Prof. Shashikumar Madhusudan Chitre (84), one of the very well known scientists closely associated with Science Communication and very closely associated with the Nehru Science Ce...

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30 Dec,2019
Superbugs Exhibition and the Saga of raise and fall of Antibiotics

Shivaprasad Khened, Director, Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai The story of the ‘accidental’ discovery of penicillin has been frequently told and this story has transcended across countries. Eve...

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19 Aug,2019
On the hunt for new medicines

Science Safari On the hunt for new medicines We are currently living in a world where many of our known and trusted antibiotics are no longer effective against diseases they used to cure. Wi...

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19 Aug,2019
Why antibiotics are important

Sheldon Paquin Project Leader – Antibiotics, Science Museum, London A hundred years ago, medicine looked very different. Even though we understood that disease and infection could be caus...

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16 Nov,2015
Science on Wheels A Retrospective

Dr. Saroj Ghose Prelude Dr S Hussain Zaheer, then Director General of CSIR, was in his office at Delhi in a very relaxed mood after a post-lunch brief nap. That was in the last week of March...

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13 Apr,2015
Activating the Vision for Innovation Hubs in India

Paula Gangopadhyay Chief Learning Officer, The Henry Ford Dearborn, Michigan, USA Recently, I had the distinct opportunity to be the guest of National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) at th...

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11 Feb,2015
Figuring out plane truths

by Sowmya Rajaram Too slow. Too fast. Too much to the right and ...crash. Drat. Trial two. This time, I'm a tad slower, consciously making sure I, prostrate in a contraption, don't t...

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No Image 25 Sep,2014
Calicut Planetarium A story of triumph over trials

An article published in ‘Planetarian’, Journal of the International Planetarium Society by Shri V. S Ramachandran & Shri Jayant Gangopadhyay, Regional Science Centre & Planetarium, Calicut,...

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No Image 2 Aug,2014
Indian Science Museums Creative Spaces with a Long Heritage

I’m so happy that NCSM has a blog; I think it must be one of the very few museum blogs in India. Because museums are part of a global network today, I think it is so important for museum pro...

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30 May,2014
Do Collections make Connections?

It was a session of the International Conference on ‘Strategic Transformations: Museums in the 21st Century’ held in February this year.I was listening to Prof. Hans Martin Hinz, President I...

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24 Mar,2014
Science behind Holi, the festival of Colours

Holi, the festival of Colours is celebrated in different corners of India with pomp and gaiety on full moon day in the month of Phalgun which is the month of March as per the Gregorian calen...

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14 Mar,2014
Born on March 14, You share your Birthday with Albert Einstein

My dear friend, if you are born on March 14, then you are lucky enough to share your birthday with the great physicist Albert Einstein. He was born on the date in 1879. We all know about his...

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